
Equal Opportunities Policy

Policy Statement

Whitecode is committed to equality of opportunity and diversity in everything it does. Whitecode embraces diversity and will seek to promote the benefits of diversity in all of its activities. Whitecode will seek to develop a culture that reflects that belief, both in it’s own staff but also whilst working with customers and other suppliers.

Whitecode will seek to widen the mediums in which it recruits to ensure as diverse as possible employee and candidate base and acknowledges the duty of all employers in promoting equality of opportunity and furthering social inclusion.

Whitecode takes positive steps to ensure that all current and prospective

employees are not discriminated against, either directly or indirectly, on the grounds of gender, age, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, creed/religion, ethnic or national origin and social background. Whitecode values the differences, needs and contributions a diverse workforce and customer base represents.

Whitecode places an obligation upon its entire staff to respect and act in

accordance with this policy. Whitecode is committed to providing equality and diversity training for all our staff. Whitecode extends this positive attitude in respect of equality and diversity to its customers, contractors and wider local community.

Whitecode aims to be an equality and diversity champion and leader for SME Employers in:

  • promoting equality and diversity
  • challenging and eradicating discrimination
  • providing responsive services

Within the overall framework of its statement of purpose and values, Whitecode is committed to the principle and practice of equal opportunities and celebrates the diversity of people. Whitecode understands that these two concepts are not the same but are complementary. Without recognising and, most importantly, valuing differences between people, there cannot be true equality of opportunity. Moreover Whitecode promotes individual life-enhancing opportunities that respect all people.

This document sets out the Equality and Diversity Policy of the Whitecode Group. It explains why equality and diversity are important to it, the basic principles it will follow and how it intends to monitor and achieve its progress.


It is the responsibility of every member of staff, contractor and visitor to

make sure they do not unlawfully discriminate and/or harass in any way. Each has a duty for owning and implementing this Equality and Diversity Policy.

All job applicants and staff will be informed of Whitecode commitment to equality and valuing diversity and the Equality and Diversity Policy will be made available on the Company website.


This policy describes the Whitecode policy on equality and diversity in relation to marketing, publicity and careers / school liaison.

The categories of people covered by this policy are:

  • prospective staff
  • current staff
  • visitors, contractors and service providers (while they are on Whitecode’s premises or carrying out Whitecode business).

Whitecode recognises that many individuals and protected groups experience unlawful discrimination and disadvantage on the grounds of their protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010.

  • race
  • disability
  • gender
  • sexual orientation
  • religion or belief
  • age
  • gender re-assignment
  • marriage or civil partnership status
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • caring responsibilities
  • offending background
  • socio-economic group
  • ISO 45001
  • ISO 14001
  • ISO 9001
  • CIBSE Heat Networks Consultant